My Bouquet of Roses Connecting the Day

Mike went into the backyard today and picked the last of the roses for 2009.  He’s about to prune my beautiful bushes back, only to make them more beautiful for next year.  Connecting

My beautiful bouquet is in a clear, perfectly sized, beer glass on the kitchen island.  It makes me smile.  As I wander around my home, I want the flowers to be with me.  That’s why the beer glass is so perfect!  Connecting

I go upstairs.  I can bring them with me.  Back into my bedroom to put away the laundry and I can glance at my roses.  Wandering downstairs, I stop to pet Sadie on the landing.  I can place the glass of flowers on her perch, enjoying their scent and Sadie’s purr.  Connecting

Back downstairs and back they go on the island.  Football game on the TV.  Warm Fire.  Colorful Roses.  Mike’s cooking Sunday dinner in the kitchen.  Full Circle.